Spiderman miles morals Android Fan made by R-user Games

Miles Morales APK for Android by R-User Games. This viral fan-made game has been acquirang notoriety as of late, with numerous well known YouTubers delivering recordings about this game. 

Spiderman: Miles Morales Android Game has been delivered by an engineer called R-User Games. The game is like the new Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales which was elite to the Sony PS4 and PS5 and delivered in 2020.

Swing around the city. Divider creep and Wall run. Hurdle to point and Point Launch. High illustrations. Upto 20+ Spider-Man Suits. Inside Mapping for each structure. Vehicle pursuit mission (Sample Mission). Exceptionally Optimized. Low Poly choice for Low-end telephones.

In view of the Marvel Comics superhuman Spider-Man, it is roused by the person's long-running comic book folklore and variations in different media. The game is introduced from the third-individual viewpoint with an essential spotlight on Spider-Man's crossing and battle capacities. Bug Man can uninhibitedly move around the City.


Title, Characters, Sounds & Game's original design were created & owned by MARVEL, SONY & INSOMNIAC GAMES. This is just a Fan-Game made for educational & entertainment purpose. This is totally un-official & there is no way connected to MARVEL, SONY & INSOMNIAC GAMES.


    1. Swing around the city.
    2. Wall crawl, Wall run & Wall Zip.
    3. Zip to point & Point Launch.
    4. Dive & Air Tricks
    5. Upto 17 Suits + 1 Additional Miles Movie Suit.
    6. You can change the FOV (Field of view).
    7. 4 Day Cycle (You can change that manually in the Options).
    8. FNSM App with Slow-Mo.
    9. High graphics.
    10. Traversal Challenge (Side Mission).
    11. Combat Challenge (Side Mission).
    12. Snow Weather (Snow particles & Shaders).
    13. Optimized Traffic System.
    14. Highly Optimized.
    15. Low Poly option for Low-end phones

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